April 8, 2023 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Ellington Farman Library
760 Thornton Road PO Box 26
Judith Whittaker

Children age 11 and under will gather in the back yard of the  library to hunt for eggs. There will be 2 sectioned off areas with age designations– one for those aged up to age 5, another for those aged 6-11. New this year– please note that all children will be given Easter Bags with handles  to be used in the egg hunt so we ask that they do not bring  any bags or baskets from home. This will make sure all children have the same size bags. They are cute and decorated with an Easter motif so please feel free to take them home. Each bag will also contain a book  as a gift from the library. There will be 2 tables of simple crafts for the children to make after the egg hunt.

Community Easter Egg Hunt