March Newsletter is Available

Stopping in the library you will notice we have done some work in the nonfiction sections. Our goal was to simplify both the adult and junior nonfiction collection.  Thanks to a grant from the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation, we were able to purchase new bookcases, new shelving bookends and category dividers to help us make this collection more user friendly. The whole explanation can be found inside the March newsletter. Come visit the library soon and tell us what you think about the new categories and whether it is easier to find your topic.

A section of the Adult Nonfiction categories

Celebrating 100 years of library service in Ellington!

New Year? First year or 100 years! The Ellington Farman Library is  excited to be celebrating their 100th anniversary this year and we hope you will come to the library to enjoy this year of celebration with us.  The first thing we have planned is a collaborative art project. Here’s how it works:  there will be 48 large puzzle pieces available and patrons/community members  can each take one and decorate them any way you would like. Our goal is to put them together as a large wall hanging that will always hang in our library. Just think– 100 years from now the patrons will see what we were thinking, doing and creating in the year 2025! Details are available in the library and in our January Newsletter.